
In an era where individuals resemble numerous isolated islands, separated by an ocean of information, each person is imprisoned in a cage constructed from their own beliefs and thought patterns. Longing for liberation and yearning for freedom, perhaps no human being in history has needed healing and a spiritual outlet more than we do today. Music and art provide us with that freedom. People experience liberation when they appreciate beauty, as it allows them to temporarily escape dichotomous thinking. If we can release our assumptions, refrain from labeling everything, and simply enjoy the feelings and purity that music offers, we can enter an indescribable state of healing, which is what we at Animitta have been striving to achieve. For this occasion, Animitta is honored to act as your Sonic Shaman. We have prepared handpans, guitars, synthesizers, and several Sutras and Mantras as Dharma-vessel for this therapeutic session. May our music serve as the most melodious medicine for you, guiding you on a journey between calm and wild, allowing you to experience the sensation of transcending extremes and venturing into the unimaginable.

Animitta A musical project formed by innovative electronic music producer Dusa Naga and veteran guitarist Noki, dedicated to modernizing Buddhist music and breaking the mold of traditional religious music. By fusing elements of electronic, rock, hip-hop, ethnic, and world music with the chanting of Buddhist sutras and dharanis, they create their unique musical style.

Experience the essence of Zen in dance, and find enlightenment amidst intense sounds and melodies. Embodying the spirit of formlessness, they immerse in emotions without drowning, engage with the world without being trapped, and perceive forms without attachment.

With a mission to transcend appearances, labels, and forms, Animitta upholds the core Buddhist concept of “formlessness”. Through their music, they bring otherworldly illumination into our chaotic and turbulent era.